Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 8:18-27.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Lochlan Fredrick teaches from Matthew 8:28-9:8.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Chris teaches from Matthew 8:18-27.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Ryan teaches from Matthew 8:1-17.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Chris teaches from Matthew 7:21-29.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Ryan teaches from Matthew 7:15-20.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 7:12-14.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Ryan teaches from Matthew 7:7-11.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 7:1-6.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 6:25-34.