Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 8:18-27.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 7:12-14.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 7:1-6.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 6:25-34.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 5:33-37.
Series Title: Special Sermon. Pastor Mike teaches from Jeremiah 29:4-14.
Series Title: Matthew - The King and His Kingdom. Pastor Mike teaches from Matthew 5:8-12.
Pastor Mike Jacobson teaches from 1 Corinthians 9:22-23.
Series Title: Special Sermons. Pastor Mike (Jacobson) teaches from Isaiah 40.
Series Title: Special Sermons. Pastor Mike (Jacobson) teaches from 1 Corinthians 12.