Series Title: Pastor to the People Pastor Greg teaches from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8.
Series Title: Pastor to the People Pastor Greg teaches from Hebrews 12:1-3.
Series Title: Pastor to the People Pastor Greg teaches from 1 Thessalonians 4:1, 9-10.
Series Title: Christmas 2020 Pastor Greg teaches from Luke 2:22-35.
Series Title: Faith that Works - A study in the book of James Pastor Greg teaches from James 5:13-20.
Series Title: Faith that Works - A study in the book of James Pastor Greg teaches from James 5:1-6.
Series Title: Faith that Works - A study in the book of James Pastor Greg teaches from James 4:13-17.
Series Title: Faith that Works - A study in the book of James Pastor Greg teaches from James 4:1-12.
Series Title: Faith that Works - A study in the book of James Pastor Greg teaches from James 1:27, 2:14-26.
Series Title: Faith that Works - A study in the book of James Pastor Greg teaches from James 2:1-13.