Thank you for your interest in volunteering for VBS! This week of outreach is not possible without volunteers like you.
Use the links below to sign up. We will do our best to place you where you want to serve. Please understand that we may have to place you in a different area. Preference will be given to early volunteers.
Register as an Adult Volunteer (18 years and older)
Register as a Youth Volunteer (under 18)
Do you have children who are not old enough to participate in regular VBS? We provide free child care so that you can help out.
Register an Infant to 3 year old child of a volunteer
A couple of important notes for ALL volunteers:
- We will have a mandatory training meeting on Sunday, July 15th from 6pm-8pm. We don’t anticipate taking the full time but we will be communicating information that is critical for VBS operating smoothly.
- We need volunteers before VBS to help create decorations. If you are interested in helping with decorations please send an email to VBS@ustickbaptist.org
Countdown to VBS