Women’s Ministry
The vision of Living Hope’s Women’s Ministry is to encourage women in their pursuit of God, equip them to know and love Him, His Word, and to love and serve others, and engage women in life together as we seek to apply God’s truth to our daily lives and invite others to follow Jesus with us.
Women’s Bible Studies
- Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11:30am (childcare) (Sept.-May)
- Wednesday mornings, 9:15-10:30am (no childcare) (Sept-May)
If you have questions about any of the above Bible studies, contact the church office at (208) 938-2121 and we will connect you to Jana.
“Wrapped in God’s Love” Quilters
Our ministry is to make lap quilts for those who are ill, have surgery, need encouragement, or just need to feel wrapped in God’s love. We also make baby quilts for Birthright. If you know how to sew and would be interested in making quilts (or learning how), we invite you to join us on the 2nd/4th Thursday of each month from 10:00am-2:00pm in the Fireside Room. You don’t need to bring anything but your lunch as we have all the supplies and equipment needed. If you know someone that would benefit from receiving a quilt (they do not necessarily have to be members of our church), please contact the church office at (208) 938-2121 and we will connect you to Ramona or Marguerite.
God’s Girls
We are a group of widowed ladies who get together often. Please join us for our monthly meetings and be blessed by the love and laughter of God’s Girls! We meet the third Monday of each month for fellowship and lunch. We also plan other activities in addition to our monthly meetings such as lunch on Sundays after 2nd service. If you would like to join us, or find out what activities we have coming up, please contact the church office at (208) 938-2121 and we will connect you to Sharon.