5:00pm and 6:30pm

Please Register Below

We are looking forward to our traditional, candlelight Christmas Eve Services at
5:00 and 6:30 pm.
This year, because of Covid-19, we have limited seating so please register early.


To be able to meet safely we are asking you to please:

         -Register how many in your group will be attending and which service;  if you’re not able to sign up online please call the church office at 208-938-2121 to register

         -Wear your face covering and we’ll have physically distanced seating available (families stay together as group)


Our 5:00pm service will be live-streamed and can be accessed on our Website or YouTube channel, please feel free to watch and celebrate from home.

Ustick Baptist Church | 14301 W McMillan Rd. Boise, ID 83713 | (208) 938-2121 | Contact Us